There are a few reasons why boats use knots to measure speed.
- History: The use of knots to measure speed dates back to the 17th century. At the time, sailors would use a device called a chip log to measure their speed. A chip log is a piece of wood with a knotted rope attached to it. The log would be thrown overboard and the time it took to travel one nautical mile would be measured. The number of knots that passed over the stern of the ship in one minute would then be used to calculate the ship’s speed.
- Accuracy: Knots are a more accurate way to measure speed than miles per hour (mph). This is because a nautical mile is based on the circumference of the Earth, while a mile is based on the distance between two points on the Earth’s surface. As a result, knots are more accurate for measuring speed over long distances.
- International use: Knots are the standard unit of speed for international navigation. This means that all boats, regardless of their nationality, use knots to measure their speed. This makes it easier for boats to communicate with each other and to coordinate their movements.
Today, knots are still the most common unit of speed used by boats. They are also used by airplanes and by the military.
Every boat has a language all its own. To the uninitiated, it can seem like gibberish. But to those in the know, it’s a way to communicate very specific information with just a few words.
And one of the most important pieces of that vocabulary is knots.
Knots have been used by sailors for centuries to do everything from tying up their boats to securing cargo. And while there are dozens of different knots out there, each with its own unique purpose, they all share one common goal: keeping your boat safe and sound.
Knots are an important part of boating for a variety of reasons. They can be used to secure lines, tie off fenders, and even create makeshift repairs. But knots are also useful for something else: they can help you measure speed.
That’s right – by tying a knot in a line and then letting it out behind your boat, you can get a pretty good estimate of how fast you’re going. The bigger the knot, the faster the boat is moving.
So next time you’re out on the water, take some time to tie a few knots.
You might just learn something new about your boat – and yourself!

Credit: mby
Why Do Boats Use Knots And Not Miles?
The unit of measurement for distance at sea has long been the knot. One knot is equal to one nautical mile per hour, or about 1.15 miles per hour. The average speed of a commercial vessel is about 10 knots, or 11.5 miles per hour.
There are a number of reasons why knots are used instead of miles when referring to the speed of a boat.
First, knots have been used for centuries as a way to measure speed at sea. In fact, the word “knot” comes from the Dutch word “knopen,” which means “to tie.”
The first use of knots as a unit of measurement dates back to the early 1800s, when sailors would literally tie knots in a rope and then let it out over the side of the ship. They would count how many knots passed through their fingers in a certain amount of time, and this would give them an estimate of the ship’s speed.
Today, there are more accurate ways to measure speed than by counting knots in a rope, but the term has stuck around.
It’s become such an ingrained part of maritime culture that even if GPS systems or other electronic devices were able to give an exact measurement of speed in miles per hour, most captains and crew members would still refer to it in terms of knots.
There are some practical reasons for using knots as well.
Why Did Sailors Tie Knots?
Sailors have been tying knots for centuries, and there are many reasons why. One reason is to keep the sails and rigging secure. If the sails are not properly secured, they can flap in the wind and tear.
Tying knots also helps to keep the rigging from getting tangled. Another reason sailors tie knots is to create a “handrail” that can be used when climbing up or down the rigging. The handrail is created by tying a rope around the mast and extending it outwards.
This gives sailors something to hold onto when they are climbing, and it also prevents them from falling overboard. Finally, sailors tie knots because it is a tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation. Sailors take great pride in their knot-tying abilities, and it is seen as a sign of skill and experience.
What are Knots for Ships?
Knots are a very important part of sailing, and they have many different uses. For example, knots can be used to tie the sails to the mast, or to secure the anchor line to the ship. Knots can also be used for decorative purposes, such as tying streamers to the rigging.
There are many different types of knots that can be used for different purposes, and sailors must know how to tie them correctly in order to ensure that their ship is safe and seaworthy. Some of the most common knots include the bowline knot, which is used for tying lines around objects; the reef knot, which is used for securing sails; and the figure-eight knot, which is often used as a stopper knot.
Why Does Aviation Use Nautical Miles?
What is a Knot Speed
Knot speed is a measure of how quickly a boat can travel in knots. Knots are a unit of speed measurement that is equal to one nautical mile per hour. The average speed of a vessel is typically measured in knots and kph (kilometers per hour).
Today we’re going to learn about why boats use knots. You might be wondering, why would a boat need knots? Well, it turns out that knots are actually very useful for boats and can be used for a variety of purposes.
For example, knots can be used to tie the boat to a dock or another vessel. This is important because it prevents the boat from floating away or becoming unmoored. Knots can also be used to secure ropes or lines on the boat.
This is helpful when mooring the boat or when tying down sails or other equipment. Knots are also useful for repairs. If a rope needs to be replaced, knotting it can provide a temporary fix until the new rope arrives.
Additionally, if something on the boat breaks, knotting can often provide a quick and easy way to repair it. So, as you can see, knots serve many different purposes on boats and are an essential part of boating safety and security. Now that you know why boats use knots, make sure to practice tying some yourself before your next boating adventure!
Related: How Fast is 25 Knots on a Boat