Difference between Anschutz and Sperry gyro

Sperry Gyro:
Top heavy and Damping in tilt.
All top heavy weight control gyro must rotate anticlockwise when viewed from South.
To get Damping in tilt, torque (horizontal force) is applied about vertical axis.
Damping in tilt is applied – when north end of spin axis moves out of horizontal.
Damping in tilt oppose the movement and bring it back to horizontal.
Rate of Damping precession (tilt) ∝ angle of tilt.

Anschutz Gyro:
Bottom heavy and Damping in azimuth.
All bottom heavy weight control gyro must rotate clockwise when viewed from South.
To get Damping in azimuth, torque (vertical force) is applied about horizontal axis.
Damping in azimuth is applied – when north end of spin axis moves out of meridian.
Damping in azimuth oppose the movement and bring it back to meridian.
Rate of Damping precession (azimuth) ∝ sin Azimuth.