Advantages and Disadvantages of Paint? Describe 5 Paint With Application On Board Ship.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Paint? Describe 5 Paint With Application On Board Ship. Advantage:Corrosion resistance.Prevent Marine Growth.Anti fouling paint prevent marine growth.Thermal Protection.Easy Marking.Improve appearance.Increase Service life. Disadvantage:Toxic and Flammable.Harmful for Environment.Useless if Thinner or Hardener is not mixed properly. Paint Scheme on ShipEPOXY for cargo holds and water ballast tanks. NO PRIMER is to…
Garbage Details. How Will You Segregate Garbage?
Garbage details. How will you segregate garbage? How do you dispose? Garbage management plan Every ship must have garbage management plan. For garbage minimizing, collecting, storing,processing, disposing.From garbage management plan, I can get color code. Also, what equipment to use. All ships must have garbage record book. Garbage catagory:Garbage are group into catagories for recording…
What Is Heavy Weather? And Precautions.
What Is Heavy Weather? And Precautions. Heavy weather checklist As per the Beaufort scale, scale 6 is considered to be heavy weather.Large waves begin to form; the white foam crests are more extensive everywhere. Shipping sprayingon the forecastle and deck. Heavy weather checklistRisk assessmentSecure everything before departure even if there is no warning of stormsUpdate…
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