Deviation change due to change in course

Coefficient A:
Constant deviation on all heading.

Coefficient B:
Maximum deviation on E, W heading.
Deviation on any heading= coefficient B * sin compass course.

Coefficient C:
Maximum deviation on N, S heading.
Deviation on any heading= coefficient C * cos compass course.

Coefficient D:
Maximum deviation on NE, SE, NW, SW heading.
Deviation on any heading= coefficient D * sin (2 compass course)

Coefficient E:
Maximum deviation on N, S, E, W heading.
Deviation on any heading= coefficient E * cos (2 compass course)

HE deviation:
Max HE deviation on N or S heading.
Zero HE deviation on E or W heading.
In Northern hemisphere, HE deviation to high side.
In Southern hemisphere, HE deviation to low side.
At equator, no induced.