Auto pilot principle, control or setting, SOLAS requirement

Auto pilot principle, control or setting, SOLAS requirement Auto pilot principleAutopilot has a knob to set course.Autopilot also receives gyro feedback from gyro.The difference between the set course and gyro feedback will be compared by the comparator.Comparator will generate an error signal.Comparator will send this error signal to master solenoid.Master selonoid will operate hydraulic telemotor.Now, … Read moreAuto pilot principle, control or setting, SOLAS requirement

Doppler log principle, error, Advantage, Disadvantage

Doppler log principle, error, Advantage, Disadvantage Doppler logDistance and speed measuring device.Doppler log works on Doppler principle.Since we know velocity of sound wave in water.So, By measuring transmitting and receiving frequency vessel speed is found.When vessel moves relative to a reference point on seabed. At the forward part, under the ship’s keel, a transducer is … Read moreDoppler log principle, error, Advantage, Disadvantage

Echo Sounder Control switch, Error, Maintenance of echo Sounder

Echo Sounder Control switch, Error, Maintenance of echo Sounder On / off switch:Range switch: 0-100 MGain switch: to get clear echoesDraft setting switch: ship draftBrilliance or dimmer switchPaper speed control switchTransducer changeover switch: if two or more transducerFix mark: to get depth at certain time Error of echo Sounder Velocity of propagation: velocity change with … Read moreEcho Sounder Control switch, Error, Maintenance of echo Sounder

Echo Sounder Principle, purposes, Block diagram

Echo Sounder Principle, purposes, Block diagram Echo SounderMeasure water depth in shallow water.Echo Sounder use transducer to convert one energy to another. Use or purposesArrival departureBerthingShallow waterBar crossingDoubtful underwater surveyAvoid groundingPassage Planning PrincipleShort pulses of sound wave transmitted vertically downward.Per minute 500-600 short pulses.Short pulses strike the sea-bed and reflected back to transducer.Time is measured … Read moreEcho Sounder Principle, purposes, Block diagram

Range accuracy and Bearing accuracy, Factors that affect

Range accuracy and Bearing accuracy, Factors that affect Range accuracy and Bearing accuracyRange and bearing accuracy requirements:Range – within 30 m or 1% of the range scale in use, whichever is greater;Bearing – within 1°. Factors that affect range accuracy are:Height of scanner.Range scale.Pulse length.PPI curvature. Factors that affect bearing accuracy are:Correct alignment between the … Read moreRange accuracy and Bearing accuracy, Factors that affect