Performance standard for magnetic compass

Performance standard for magnetic compass Compass Card:Graduated in 360 degrees.Numerical indication at every ten degrees.Cardinal point indication by capitial letters N, E, S and W.North point indication by suitable emblem.Directional error should not exceed 0.5° on any heading.Clearly readable at a distance of 1.4 m.Magnifying glass is permitted. Materials:Corrector magnets for parmanent magnetism should have … Read more

Method of correcting HE of Compass

Method of correcting HE of Compass: Two ways: For small ship and for large ship.(1) For small ship:Steady the vessel on N or S compass heading.Heel the vessel by 5 or 10 degrees.Remove any heeling error by inserting heeling error magnet in HE bucket. (2) For large ship:Use heeling error instrument “VFI”Vessel should be upright.Remove … Read more

Vertical Force instrument

Vertical Force instrument Vertical Force instrument.Graduated compass needle attached with sliding weight.Rides on a sharp pivot point.Housed in a brass case.Graduated compass needle can align itself with Earth’s magnetic field.Sliding weight can move in or move out from center.By measuring the sliding weight distance, vertical force is found.

Main Sources of Errors in GPS

Main Sources of Errors in GPS List and describe the main sources of errors in the determined position of GPS. The main sources of errors in GPS: Ionospheric and tropospheric delay: When radio waves radiated from satellite passes through different layers of the ionosphere andtroposphere the velocity of wave very which affects the time difference … Read more

Pseudo Random Noise GPS

Pseudo Random Noise GPS What is meant by “pseudo random noise” codes (PRN codes)? Explain why two frequencies are used? Pseudo random noise code: Each satellite have a unique code to identify the satellite called arandom noise code. The satellites are identified by the users through this PRN codes. These PRN codes are only pseudo … Read more