What’s the Purpose of a Jetty

A jetty is a structure that extends into the water from the shore. Jetties are typically made of stone, concrete, or wood. They are used for a variety of purposes, including: Jetties can have a significant impact on the environment. They can alter the natural flow of water and sediment, which can impact the shoreline … Read more

What are Seaworthy Boats

A seaworthy boat is a boat that is designed and built to withstand the rigors of being on the open water. Seaworthy boats are typically made of strong materials, such as fiberglass or steel, and they have features that help them to stay afloat in rough seas, such as a deep draft and a wide … Read more

Which of the Following is Recommended As Part of the Annual Maintenance Program for a Gasoline Boat

Here are some of the recommended annual maintenance tasks for a gasoline boat: By following these maintenance tasks, you can help to keep your boat in good condition and extend its lifespan. Here are some additional tips for boat maintenance: By following these tips, you can help to keep your boat in good condition and … Read more