Voyage Data recorder operation, VDR capsule, Data recorded

Data recording system.
Collect data from various sensors.
Store the collected data in an externally mounted unit. (Capsule)
Capsule is tamper proof – fire, explosion, collision, sinkage.

Simplified voyage data recorder.
Collect normal ship data.
Lower Cost.

VDR capsule
Capsule is tamper proof – fire, explosion, collision, sinkage.
Storage unit.
Fixed or float free unit.
Store data for at least 12 hours.

VDR operation or principle
Two unit: Data collection unit, Data recorder unit.
DCU: Collect data from various sensors.
DRU: Store the collected data in an externally mounted unit. (Capsule). Capsule is tamper proof – fire, explosion, collision, sinkage. Fitted at monkey island.
The battery power supply to the DCU for at least 2 hours in case of power failure.

What are the Data recorded
GPS – date, time, position, speed, heading
Audio – bridge audio, VHF audio
RADAR data
ECDIS data
AIS data
Echo Sounder
Wind speed, direction
Watertightness, fire door
Hull opening
Hull stress