The capacity plate on a 19-foot boat will typically show the following information:
- Maximum number of persons: This is the maximum number of people that the boat can safely carry, including the driver.
- Maximum weight capacity: This is the maximum weight that the boat can safely carry, including the people, gear, and fuel.
- Maximum horsepower: This is the maximum horsepower of the engine that can be safely used on the boat.
- Boat manufacturer: This is the name of the company that manufactured the boat.
- Boat model: This is the specific model of the boat.
- Boat serial number: This is a unique identifier for the boat.
The capacity plate is typically located near the helm of the boat. It is important to always check the capacity plate before loading the boat to ensure that you are not overloading it. Overloading a boat can be dangerous and can lead to accidents.
Here are some additional tips for loading your boat safely:
- Distribute the weight evenly. The weight of the people, gear, and fuel should be distributed evenly throughout the boat.
- Do not overload the boat. Never overload the boat beyond the maximum weight capacity listed on the capacity plate.
- Secure all gear. All gear should be secured to prevent it from shifting during transport.
- Be aware of the weather conditions. Do not overload the boat if there is a chance of bad weather.
By following these tips, you can help to ensure that you are loading your boat safely.
Your boat’s capacity plate is required by law to be displayed in a visible location. It must show the maximum weight and/or persons that can be safely carried on your boat.
Assuming you have a 19-foot boat, the capacity plate will show the following information: -The maximum weight capacity of the boat -The maximum number of people the boat can hold

-The Capacity Plate Will Show the Maximum Weight Capacity of the Boat
-The capacity plate will also list the maximum number of people that can be on board.
-The capacity plate is usually located on the transom or stern of the boat.
If you’re in the market for a new boat, one of the first things you’ll want to check is the capacity plate.
This important piece of information will tell you the maximum weight and passenger capacity of the vessel, as well as other critical data such as the manufacturer’s name and address, Hull Identification Number (HIN), and so on. The capacity plate is typically located on the transom or stern of the boat, so it should be easy to find. Once you’ve located it, take a close look at both the weight and passenger limits to make sure they meet your needs.
Keep in mind that these numbers are absolute maximums, so it’s always best to err on the side of caution when loading up your boat.
-The Capacity Plate Will Also Show the Maximum Number of People That Can Be on Board the Boat at One Time
The capacity plate on a boat will show the maximum number of people that can be on board the boat at one time. This is important to know because you don’t want to overload the boat and cause it to sink. The capacity plate is usually located near the steering wheel or in the stern of the boat.
Boat fuel tank installation Tips
If you have a 19-foot boat, the capacity plate will show how many people and how much weight the boat can hold. It will also show the maximum engine power that the boat can have.
Related: Boat Cavitation Plate Fin