Difference between VDR and SVDR, SOLAS requirement, VDR advantage

SOLAS requirement / carriage requirement
Cargo ships of 3,000 gt and above, international voyage.
All passenger ships constructed on or after 1 July 2002.
Ships other than passenger ships of 3,000 gt and above constructed on or after 1 July 2002.

Difference between VDR and SVDR
Cargo ships of 3,000 gt and above, international voyage.
Capsule: fixed or float free.
Mandatory data: GPS – date, time, position, speed, heading, Audio – bridge audio, VHF audio, RADAR data, ECDIS data.
AIS: if Radar image not available.
Radar image: Not mandatory
All passenger ships constructed on or after 1 July 2002. Ships other than passenger ships of 3,000 gt and above constructed on or after 1 July 2002.
Capsule: fixed
Mandatory data: SVDR data+ Echo Sounder, Alarms, Wind speed-direction, Watertightness-fire door, Hull opening, Hull stress.
AIS: not required because Radar image is available.
Radar image: mandatory

VDR microphone
Conning position
Near Radar
Chart room
Radio room
Bridge wing

VDR advantage
Accident investigation.
Insurance cost reduction.
Heavy weather damage analysis.
Accident analysis.
Monitor performance, safe practice.

VDR disadvantage
Required maintenance.
Required Constant power supply.
Chances of error.

Recommendation of ECDIS with VDR
Msc resolution 333(90)
Required Electronic signal of ECDIS
Required ECDIS playback mode
Required Chart data

Accident investigation
Insurance cost reduction
Heavy weather damage analysis
Accident analysis
Monitor performance, safe practice

Required more input
Required maintenance
Required Constant power supply
Chances of error