Why resulting deviation from HSI remain same in all latitude?

Why resulting deviation from HSI remain same in all latitude? Ships HSI (F&A, athwartship) induced by only H.We know, If magnetic latitude change – DF(H) change.But, deviating force due to DF(H) also change.Therefore, we can tell, if DF(H) get bigger deviating force get bigger.If DF(H) get smaller deviating force get smaller.Again, we also know, If … Read moreWhy resulting deviation from HSI remain same in all latitude?

Effect of parmanent and induced magnetism with change of latitude

Effect of parmanent and induced magnetism with change of latitude Effect of parmanent magnetism:PQR force – Constant deviating force.PQR – Will not change with change of latitude.For a constant PQR deviating force,If magnetic latitude increase – DF(H) get smaller (deviating force get bigger)If magnetic latitude decrease – DF(H) get bigger (deviating force get smaller)So, Dev … Read moreEffect of parmanent and induced magnetism with change of latitude

Magnetic compass parts and correctors

Magnetic compass parts and correctors Fitted on monkey island above the bridge.Telescopic viewing arrangement is made for helmsman. Magnetic compass parts:Compass bowlCompass cardGimbal arrangementGimbal ringBinnacle Compass correctors:Flinder barsQuadrantal SpheresHeeling magnetsFwd and aft magnetsAthwartship magnets Compass bowlFitted on the gimbal arrangement.Inside compass bowl, compass card is fitted.Inside compass bowl, liquid is filled. (wet compass card)Liquid reduces … Read moreMagnetic compass parts and correctors

Standard siting of magnetic compass, record keeping, care and maintenance

Standard siting of magnetic compass, record keeping, care and maintenance Standard sitting:Fitted on monkey island above the bridge.Should be sitted on the ship’s centreline.Should not be sitted close to magnetic materials.Approved equipment should be at a safe distance.Radar magnetron should be at a distance of 7 meters. Importance of keeping deviation record:Compass error and deviation … Read moreStandard siting of magnetic compass, record keeping, care and maintenance

Deviation change due to change in course

Deviation change due to change in course Coefficient A:Constant deviation on all heading. Coefficient B:Maximum deviation on E, W heading.Deviation on any heading= coefficient B * sin compass course. Coefficient C:Maximum deviation on N, S heading.Deviation on any heading= coefficient C * cos compass course. Coefficient D:Maximum deviation on NE, SE, NW, SW heading.Deviation on … Read moreDeviation change due to change in course