Property of a free gyroscope, gyroscopic inertia, gyroscopic precession

Property of a free gyroscope, gyroscopic inertia, gyroscopic precession Free gyroscope3 degrees of freedom.Freedom to spin about spin axis.Freedom to tilt about horizontal axis. Freedom to turn about vertical axis.As long as no force/torque is applied, then it is called free gyroscope. Property:Gyroscopic inertia.Gyroscopic precession. Gyroscopic inertia:Once gains spinning, North end of spin axis of … Read moreProperty of a free gyroscope, gyroscopic inertia, gyroscopic precession

Behavior of a liquid ballistic during speed or course change

Behavior of a liquid ballistic during speed or course change When vessel adjust course or speed, horizontal acceleration is produced. In gravity control gyro, horizontal acceleration will produce top heavy bottom heavy effect. So, North end of spin axis will precess.The precession of North end of spin axis is called Ballistic Deflection. Ballistic Deflection will … Read moreBehavior of a liquid ballistic during speed or course change

Why HE not remain constant with change of latitude

Why HE not remain constant with change of latitude Heeling error changes with:Change in course.Change in latitude.Change in angle of heel. Change in course:HE changes with change in course. Why?We know, deviating force acts athwartship. Since HE error cause: Ship’s permanent component (R).Induced by Z into VSI, acting through the compass position.Induced by Z into … Read moreWhy HE not remain constant with change of latitude

Permanent magnetism and Induced magnetism, correction

Permanent magnetism and Induced magnetism, correction Parmanent Magnetism:PQR force is due to parmanent magnetism.Caused during ship building.Remain constant throughout lifespan.Do not change with latitude, heading, northern or southern hemisphere.Correction is done by parmanent magnets. Correction of parmanent magnetism:F & A and Athwartship magnets.Parmanent magnet of 8” in length and diameter of 3/8” and 3/16”.To correct … Read morePermanent magnetism and Induced magnetism, correction