How Deep Is The Great Salt Lake?

The Great Salt Lake is one of the most unique and interesting bodies of water in the world. It is so shallow that it has been called an inland sea, and it is so salty that it cannot support life. The lake is also very shallow, with an average depth of only 13 feet. Why … Read more

Should I Cover My Boat Every Night?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a number of factors, such as the climate you live in, the type of boat you have, and how often you use it. However, if you are concerned about protecting your boat from the elements, then covering it at night is a good … Read more

Do You Need a Life Jacket With a Wetsuit

No matter what type of water activity you are participating in, it is always a good idea to wear a life jacket. Even if you are an experienced swimmer, wearing a life jacket can save your life in the event of an accident. If you are planning on spending any time in the water, whether … Read more

How Many Fishermen Died at Sea

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), an estimated 21,000 fishermen die at sea each year. This makes fishing the most dangerous occupation in the world. The majority of these deaths are caused by accidents, such as boat sinkings and fires. Other causes of death include drowning, falls, and injuries from machinery. The ILO has … Read more

Do the Fishermen Feel That Their Work is Free from Danger

No, fishermen do not feel that their work is free from danger. Fishing is a dangerous occupation, and fishermen are at risk of a variety of hazards, including: Despite the dangers, fishing is a vital occupation. Fishermen provide food for people around the world, and they also help to protect the environment by managing fish … Read more