A boat’s capacity plate tells you the maximum weight and/or number of people that can safely be carried in certain weather conditions. Some manufacturers provide a safe-load capacity figure on a capacity plate. The capacity plate is a placard mounted on a bulkhead or a side of a boat.

capacity plate
Capacity plate

What does it mean certain weather conditions must be met?

Well, you might not know this, but if the winds are up to 10 knots (which is equivalent to 11.5 miles per hour), then that’s considered good weather. If the winds are 20 knots or 25 knots, then you have a heavy wind warning. That’s important to know because it tells you a little bit about the sea conditions you’re going to encounter.

The weight limit on capacity plates applies only in good to moderate weather conditions. If you’re headed into rough waters, keep the weight well below what’s allowed by a capacity plate.

Boat’s capacity plate

USCG capacity decals old and new
USCG capacity decals old and new/ image: paddle camp

The boat’s capacity plate is designed to help boat operators estimate how many people or pounds of gear are safe for each vessel. It also gives the operator a rough idea of the weight distribution around their boat when they’re out on open water, which can be helpful.

An overloaded boat becomes a safety concern in a variety of situations because it will dramatically increase the risk of capsizing or swamping. To avoid this –

  1. Load only what you need and don’t overfill your boat
  2. Only put as many passengers aboard as there are seats
  3. Keep any luggage stored securely below the deck
  4. Don’t load equipment on top of cargo containers
  5. Tie-down anything loose so it doesn’t shift during a trip

Does every boat need a capacity plate?

Personal Watercraft
Personal Watercraft

It’s a federal law that single-hull boats less than 20 feet (6 m) in length be equipped with a capacity plate. However, PWC (Personal Watercraft) and sailboat manufacturers are not required by law to keep a capacity plate. This doesn’t mean you should stuff your kayak full of passengers if it’s rated for 5 total.

Does boat capacity include fuel?

Yes. Boat capacities include fuel as well as all other components needed for a voyage. Other weight includes people, stores, freshwater, fishing gear, equipment, fuel, different types of engines, and steering systems.

What if your boat doesn’t have a capacity plate?

Well, you’re in luck. There are still ways to calculate the safe load weight for your boat. For mono-hull boats which is under 20 feet, you can use the length and multiply it by the width of the boat then divide that number by 15. This will give you how many passengers you can safely carry without exceeding weight limits.

For example, for a vessel 16 feet long by 5 feet wide, the number of passengers is 16 times 5 (or 80) divided by 15, which equals five 150-pound passengers (or a total passengers weight of 5 × 150, or 750 pounds).

Outboard boats and capacity plate

The capacity plate on your boat (outboard boat) will display the recommended maximum horsepower rating of your vessel. It is never a good idea to exceed this number if you want to make sure that both you and your engine are safe while out on the water.


If you want to know the maximum weight or number of people a boat can carry in certain weather conditions, take a look at its capacity plate.

The maximum weight includes the total weight of people, equipment, and cargo. The number of people a boat can carry and the weather conditions it can safely handle are a function of boat size. The amount a boat can handle depends on several factors, such as a boat’s length, width, and shape.